《但是你没有》的作者是一位普通的美国妇女,她的丈夫在女儿4岁时应征入伍去了越南战场,从此她便和女儿相依为命。后来,她的丈夫、孩... [查看全文]
1)我这一生大概能活10到15年,和你分别是件无比痛苦的事。My life likely to last ten to fifteen years. Any separation from... [查看全文]
1. Be slow to hire and quick to fire.招人要慎重,炒人要迅速。2. Create the best environment you can for your team... [查看全文]
Money is not everything. There’s Mastercard & Visa.钞票不是万能的,有时还需要信用卡。Every man should marry. After... [查看全文]
一项有20多万人参加的调查显示,养猫和养狗的人在性格、爱好、生活习惯等很多方面可都是大有区别的Dog people are 50% more likely t... [查看全文]
The Real Reason Richer People Marry为何富人比穷人更爱结婚?By now it is common knowledge that professionals are more... [查看全文]
Conflict can be healthy吵吵更健康No relationship will be smooth sailing from start to finish. No matter how much ... [查看全文]
With frightful December weather approaching, your date ideas will have to get a bit more creative. You may not ... [查看全文]
Stephanie Falk and her husband like smoothies from Jamba Juice. But the San Diego-based coupleboycotted the chain... [查看全文]
One woman in a fading Japanese village is slowly replacing its dead residents with scarecrows.正在凋落的日本村庄中,... [查看全文]