编辑点评:找工作时间长了,你可能会感到疲惫不堪。推销了自己无数次,甚至都怀疑起推销自我的千篇一律的说辞。避开下面的五个误区也许能让你眼前一亮,尽快找到你... [查看全文]
Extravagantly outfitted singer Lady Gaga, former US president Bill Clinton and Brazil's leader Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva are the worl... [查看全文]
One night, my eight-year-old son, Zakariya, and I were scanning the TV listings for something to watch. 一天晚上,我和我八岁的儿子扎卡... [查看全文]
Forget Iceland's volcano. If you want to see a really big eruption, you need to head to the Sun. 想见识什么才叫做真正的“大爆发”么... [查看全文]
编辑点评:父母也可能教会孩子信仰、陪他们看最喜欢的电视节目或者书籍。但是,孩子们并不是只有在父母打算教他们的时候才学习。事实上,一些人生中重要的课程不从家长教导中... [查看全文]
Dinosaurs were wiped off the face of the Earth by a sudden drop in temperature and not by a comet striking the planet. 恐龙从地... [查看全文]
Happy people tend to talk more than unhappy people, but when they do, it tends to be less small talk and more substance. 快乐... [查看全文]
How can you check you’re in good nick? Most of us steer clear of the doc – instead, you rely on your body to give yo... [查看全文]
Parents of newborn babies can expect to spend around ?4,000 before their first birthday, according to a report. 有报道称,在新生... [查看全文]
[背景阅读] Mother's Day is celebrated to honor all mothers and express gratitude for the hardships they bear in bringing up a chil... [查看全文]