Now that final exams are history, you seem to have that extra bounce. After all, winter vacation awaits you. Get off that couch and begin t... [查看全文]
Some people don't feel great about the way they look, so they just hide themselves and feel awful. Well, read on and become confident in your looks. 很多人不满意自己的长相,因此总会在内心感觉很自卑。没关系,看看 [查看全文]
1. That woman just checked you out. 那个美女正在挑逗地看着你呢。 Yes, this helps his self-confidence. But it also tells him that you just s... [查看全文]
“IP IC IQ 卡,统统告诉我密码”,这是一句曾经很红的台词。密码的确是我们现在生活中不可或缺的一个东西,你的密码安全吗?一家安全公司在研究了被黑客公布的3200万个密... [查看全文]
天灾无可避免,也最让人不能忘却。我们的历史上有太多这样惨痛的记忆,而地震,除了给我们脚下的大地划上深深的伤痕,也在所有经历过、目睹过、耳闻过的人们心里留下了深深的... [查看全文]
China comfortably beat its target of 8 per cent economic growth last year ... [查看全文]
Woman who haven’t fallen in love beforegraduation 大学毕业前还没谈过恋爱的女人 Here "love" refers to interaction more than three month... [查看全文]
It sucks being an adult. You have to do things like wake up before noon, go to the grocery store on your own, and try to hold down a s... [查看全文]
1月21日消息,据国外媒体报道,微软董事长比尔·盖茨(BillGates)周三推出了个人网站“GatesNotes”(盖茨笔记),旨在分享自己的思想、基金会活动、旅途见闻等诸多方面内容。 ... [查看全文]