一、过人行道要先按路边的按钮,待绿色指示灯闪现后,要迅速通过。 二、美国人看到陌生人也会打招呼或微笑示意。看到之后,要礼貌地... [查看全文]
‘Mr. Bean’ Is Still Baffled, Bumbling and Beloved憨豆先生,你凭什么走红36年Quick: Which two television show... [查看全文]
‘The Death of Caesar,’ by Barry Strauss布鲁图,谋反者还是高尚的罗马人?Among the most poignant objects that... [查看全文]
Monica Lewinsky Is Back, but This Time It’s on Her Terms莱温斯基回来了Monica Lewinsky was sitting in a Manha... [查看全文]
有些人相信愚人节是为了庆祝季节变更,有些人则相信这是因为年历的变更才形成的节日。 Ancient cultures, including those of ... [查看全文]
人们在生活中,不可避免地接触到各种动物,不同的民族有自己不同的图腾(totem) 动物,也就是说每个民族都有自己喜爱的动物,所以宠物... [查看全文]
Older Really Can Mean Wiser姜是老的辣有了科学依据Behind all those canned compliments for older adults — spry! wily!... [查看全文]
Remains in Madrid Are Believed to Be Those of Cervantes考古人员可能找到了《堂·吉诃德》作者的遗骨In a discovery that ... [查看全文]
BuzzFeed Editor Meets Brother Orange, the Chinese Man Who Received His Stolen iPhone美国小伙丢手机,千里相会橘子哥He ... [查看全文]
Inside the Waldorf Astoria’s Presidential Suite走进纽约专门留给美国总统的那间房YOU probably won’t be eligible... [查看全文]