植树节,英文释义是a day designated for planting trees ,可以用Arbor-Day或Tree-Planting Day来表达。arbor这个表达树的词我们用... [查看全文]
马蹄铁被认为会招来好运。但追溯其起源,说法不一。有的认为马蹄铁形如新月,而新月代表新生,所以是吉祥的。古爱尔兰传说耶稣出生在马厩,... [查看全文]
he first celebrations in honor of mothers were held in the spring in ancient Greece. They paid tribute to Rhea,... [查看全文]
初学电脑打字的时候,键盘上的字母及各类符号顺序都是要储存到脑子里的东西。A和B怎么隔那么远?难道就不能按照英文字母顺序设计键盘吗?那样... [查看全文]
International Women's Day is celebrated each year on March 8th. Groups around the world use this day to hono... [查看全文]
If the Oscars seem boring and predictable to you this year, then you're in good company. Sociologists have c... [查看全文]
有位男士妙用表示大学学位的三个英文词讲了一则幽默:人生会经历的三个阶段:没结婚的时候是无忧无虑的bachelor(单身汉);结婚以后得做主持... [查看全文]
Recent excavations in northern Israel have unearthed what researchers believe are the oldest intact beehives ever ... [查看全文]
茄子名字起源What strange connotations the eggplant has inspired! A Lebanese eggplant recipe is called baba ganousb,... [查看全文]