1)Nod one’s head 点头参考例句:He turned with a little nod and I watched him walk away 他边点了点头边转过身,... [查看全文]
come and go往来;参考例句:It's funny how love can come and go 爱情来了又走真让人困惑now yes, now no出尔反尔;参考... [查看全文]
uncontrollably难以控制;参考例句:I started shaking uncontrollably and began to cry 我不由自主地开始发抖,接着就哭了起来com... [查看全文]
drama话剧;参考例句:He acted his part very well in the French drama 他在这出法国戏剧中演得很成功comedy喜剧;参考例句:Act... [查看全文]
1.狗 woof参考例句:Dogs love splashing in mud and hippos wallow in it 狗喜欢在泥水洼里扑腾,河马则喜欢在其中打滚撒欢儿2... [查看全文]
英语中很多短语可表达斜着眼睛看人的意思:(1)squint at sb.(2)look at/eye sb. askance(3)cast a sidelong glance upon/at sb.(... [查看全文]
handicraft手工艺品;参考例句:She sells handicrafts to the tourists 她向游客出售手工艺品pottery/ceramics陶器;参考例句:potter... [查看全文]
Deskpotato(译为桌边神游族或桌边土豆?)指整天坐在书桌边,却不见有任何事情完成的人,通常都是因为他们成天都在上网闲逛或玩游戏。Deskpot... [查看全文]
①mistake错误;参考例句:The president beat his breast and called that deal a mistake 总裁捶胸顿足,称那是个错误的交易②... [查看全文]
cigarette 香烟;参考例句:The product looks and burns like a regular cigarette 这种产品看起来和点燃后都与常见的香烟没什么... [查看全文]