stand out突出/显眼/引人注目;stand by准备/站在旁边;stand for代表/象征;stand in替身演员;stand off疏远/远离/避开;stand on基于/... [查看全文]
麻婆豆腐MapoTofu;水煮鱼Boiled Fish;香辣肉丝Hot and spicy pork slice;宫爆鸡丁Kung Pao Chicken;红烧排骨Stewed Spare Ribs;红... [查看全文]
帆布鞋canvas shoes;拖鞋slippers;宫廷鞋court shoes;马鞍鞋saddle shoe;人字拖flip-flops;凉鞋sandals;厚底鞋platform shoes;木鞋clog... [查看全文]
1. pajamas睡衣2. raincoat 雨衣3. suit西装4. swimsuit 泳衣5. vest背心6. uniform 制服7. underwear 内衣裤8.sweater毛衣9. ... [查看全文]
humorous 幽默的;参考例句:But underneath the humour is an edge of bitterness 但是幽默的背后却透着怨气understanding 善解... [查看全文]
手机的英文表达是cell phone(美)mobile phone(英)1)直板手机也可说 slab phone2)侧滑盖式手机side slider3)旋盖式手机 swivel4)智能... [查看全文]
take the cake 得奖;piece of cake 轻而易举的事情;have one's cake dough 希望落空,计划失败;have one's cake and... [查看全文]
网络水军 online water army;网络推手 Internet marketer;舍利子Buddha's relics;神童child prodigy;小意思small token of o... [查看全文]
barbecue(BBQ)野外烧烤 ;picnic野餐;undercooked未煮熟的;overcooked煮过头的 ;bake烘烤 ;boil 水煮 ;fry煎炒 ;poach水煮;roast 烤;... [查看全文]
1.wanna = want to 想要,想做;2.coulda = could have 会有;3.kinda = kind of 有点;4.sorta = sort of 有点;5.lil bit ... [查看全文]