电影院:cinema(英)/movie theatre(美) ;参考例句: I'd rather see it at the pictures than on video anyway 我本来就... [查看全文]
nepotism(商界或政界中)偏袒亲属;裙带关系参考例句:The royalties enabled the inventor to re-establish himself in business ... [查看全文]
婚礼参与人员wedding ceremony participants参考例句:The wedding ceremony is about to begin 婚礼就要开始了新娘bride;参考例... [查看全文]
帆布鞋canvas shoes;参考例句:Suzhou where there are sold all the canvas shoes? Imitation is OK 苏州哪里有卖匡威的帆布... [查看全文]
guidepost 路标;参考例句:The lights of the car lit up a signpost 车灯照亮了路标traffic light 红绿灯;参考例句:There a... [查看全文]
小编寄语:在雅思的考试中,经常会出现中式英语的思维,这在雅思的考试中是一大弊端,为了避免出现这样的状况,平时的积累是必不可少的。为... [查看全文]
out of breath 喘不过气来,上气不接下气;参考例句:There she was, slightly out of breath from running 她在那儿,跑得有点... [查看全文]
公寓(B)Flat;(A) apartment参考例句:Gerome tried to talk her into taking an apartment in Paris 杰罗姆试图说服她在巴黎买... [查看全文]
grave/tomb 坟,墓;参考例句:the tomb of the Unknown Soldier 无名战士墓cemetery 墓地,公墓;参考例句:The whole area has... [查看全文]
taunt嘲笑;讽刺;奚落参考例句:A specific act of ridicule or derision 嘲笑取笑或嘲笑的具体行动sarcasm讽刺,嘲笑,挖苦参考例句:... [查看全文]