gentle 温和;参考例句:He had left the movement because it had abandoned its centrist policies 他退出了该运动,因为它... [查看全文]
1.keep a promise遵守诺言2.keep a low profile保持低调3.Keep calm保持冷静!4.Keep it to yourself保密5.Keep up the good w... [查看全文]
白羊座(Aries)参考例句:My constellation is Aries 我的星座是白羊座金牛座(Taurus)参考例句:Taurus will only eat the finest... [查看全文]
泉水 fountain/spring water;参考例句:The river rises from a spring 这条河发源于一处泉水自来水 tap/running water;参考例句... [查看全文]
秒杀instant kill;参考例句:Second of all alone engine killed search to put in a road's charge finally 搜索引擎... [查看全文]
Mandarin普通话;Zen禅;feng shui风水;yin yang阴阳;tai chi太极;Taoism道;kongfu功夫;kowtow叩头;mahjong麻将;tofu豆腐;lychee荔枝;long... [查看全文]
notebook 笔记本;参考例句:He took my name and address, scribbling it down in his notebook 他要了我的姓名和地址,匆匆... [查看全文]
buddy 哥们儿;参考例句:We've been pals for years 我们是多年的哥们儿了BFF(best friends forever)闺蜜;参考例句:Last wee... [查看全文]
Image Size 影像分辨率;参考例句:The complementary information between images becomes the main cause ofrestoration 正是... [查看全文]
肤质相关:Dry-干性皮肤,Oily-油性皮肤,Normal-中性皮肤,Combination-混合性皮肤;用途相关:Firm-紧肤,Nutritious-滋养,Oil-control-... [查看全文]