novelty n.新奇(的事物) novice n.生手,新手 noxious adj.有害的,有毒的 nuance n.细微的差异 nubile adj.(女孩)到... [查看全文]
conflagration: 战争: a state of armed violent struggle between states, nations, or groups 1) a great fire ... [查看全文]
belie: 掩饰; to show (something) to be false or wrong; to contradict 1) to reveal the falsehood of, contra... [查看全文]
propriety: 礼貌, 规矩;The quality of being proper; appropriateness 1) correct behavior; obedience to rules and... [查看全文]
pragmatic: 实用主义的, concerned with practical matters 1) practical as opposed to idealistic 2) oriented to... [查看全文]
palliate: 缓和;To make less severe or intense; mitigate (v.) to alleviate or ease pain but not cure; to ma... [查看全文]
volatile: 不稳定的; easily aroused or changeable; lively or explosive 1) evaporating easily; explosive, changea... [查看全文]
1.有关数学运算 add,plus加 subtract减 difference差 multiply,times乘 product积divide除 divisible可被整除的 ... [查看全文]
redoubtable: 可怕的; 可敬的; inspiring fear or respect 1) awe-inspiring; worthy of honor redoubtable : regar... [查看全文]
contumacious: 不听命令的; stubbornly disobedient; stubbornly rebellious 1) insubordinate, rebellious 2) resistin... [查看全文]