stoic:冷静的; not affected by or showing passion or feeling 1) not showing feeling 2) detached; unruffled;... [查看全文]
squander: to spend or use wastefully, to scatter 1) to waste; to spend or use wastefully 2) to waste by... [查看全文]
sordid: 肮脏的(卑鄙的); characterized by baseness, filthy 1) filthy; base; vile 2) characterized by filth, g... [查看全文]
immature: adj. (思维、举止)不够成熟的: lacking in adult experience or maturity 【考法1】adj. 未完全发展的,未发育... [查看全文]
immaculate: 纯洁的; having no stain or blemish : PURE (adj.) perfectly clean; correct; pure An immaculate ... [查看全文]
immutable: 不可变的; not subject or susceptible to change 1) not capable of or susceptible to change 2) n... [查看全文]
第六类 有害的事物:harmfulthings= contagion传染病瘟疫epidemic/ pandemic也有流行的意思/pestilence/plague 疾病:malady... [查看全文]
第五类 著名的:famous =celebrated/ renowned/ reputed/ distinguished/ illustrious/ prestigious/outstanding/ distincti... [查看全文]
第四类 困难的:difficult=arduous/ strenuous/ daunting/ formidable/ exacting/ insuperable/ impassable/ onerous(issue... [查看全文]
第三类 gather聚拢:accumulate/amass/ assemble/ congregate/ garner/ glean/ muster/ rally(为反对或支持而召集) group... [查看全文]