401. The beloved novelist put her lovely gloves above the stove.敬爱的小说家把她美丽的手套放在火炉上方。402. It's ... [查看全文]
351. The attendants attend the meeting and pretend to be attentive.侍从们出席会议并装出专注的样子。352. The tenderer ... [查看全文]
301. The crying boy tries to fry the dry crystal.哭喊的男孩试图用油炸干晶体.302. In the chimney the donkey and mon... [查看全文]
251. The accessory successor never made concessions to difficulties, so he succeeded in accessing successive succes... [查看全文]
201. The loser closely enclosed himself in the closet.失败者将自己严密地装入壁橱(储藏间)中。202. The composer was prop... [查看全文]
151. The spy is shy of taking shelter on the shelf of the shell-like shed.间谍怕在壳子一样的棚里的架子上栖身。152. ... [查看全文]
101. The tall man installed a small wallet on the wall.高个男子把一小钱包安放到墙上.102. Except dishonest ones, anyo... [查看全文]
51. He repeatedly repeats, "Eat meat."他再三重复说:"吃肉."52. Having canceled X-ray scan, the cancerous candidate on... [查看全文]
1. With my own ears I clearly heard the heart beat of the nuclear bomb.我亲耳清楚地听到原子弹的心脏的跳动。2. Next... [查看全文]
要想在考研阅读中取得高分,看懂文章和选项是关键。而英文文章的组成部分,离不开单词和句子。可以说,认识单词和读懂句子是攻克考研英... [查看全文]