One hospital had 9 flu cases at this time last year. This year, it has more than 1,400去年这个时候,一家医院有9例... [查看全文]
The Empire State Building is Uber’s top tourist destination帝国大厦是优步的首选旅游目的地Next time King Kong is... [查看全文]
Bridgewater hedge fund co-CEO Eileen Murray leaving company布里奇沃特对冲基金联合首席执行官艾琳·默里离职The most powerfu... [查看全文]
‘Frozen 2’ dominance draws monopoly complaint in South Korea《冰雪奇缘2》的统治地位在韩国引起垄断投诉Frozen 2... [查看全文]
Teen in Canada develops 'popcorn lung' symptoms加拿大的一名青少年出现了爆米花肺症状A 17-year-old boy in Canada ... [查看全文]
With Waters Rising And Its Population Falling, What Is Venice's Future?随着水位上涨,人口减少,威尼斯的未来会怎样?Th... [查看全文]
Jimmy Carter is home from the hospital. What will his recovery look like?吉米·卡特从医院回来了。他的恢复情况如何?Anyo... [查看全文]
NASA Finally Discovers The Shattered Remnants of India's Lost Moon Lander美国宇航局终于发现了印度丢失的登月器残骸NAS... [查看全文]
Toxic White Foam Washes Up on Indian Beach, And People Don't Know to Stay Away有毒的白色泡沫在印度海滩上冲刷,人... [查看全文]
Twitter tanks as Dorsey reveals plan to spend 3 to 6 months in Africa多尔西透露,他计划在非洲待3到6个月Jack Dorsey ... [查看全文]