Connecticut man has leg amputated after contracting flesh-eating bacteria康涅狄格州一名男子因感染食肉细菌而截肢A man had... [查看全文]
Japan to resume effort to tackle contaminated water problem at Fukushima日本将继续努力解决福岛的水污染问题Japan is res... [查看全文]
Pair of Apple Watches survive for two weeks at bottom of lake这对苹果手表在湖底存活了两周A pair of Apple Watches w... [查看全文]
Samsung launches new super-sized Galaxy 10 phone三星发布新款超大型Galaxy 10手机Samsung on Wednesday unveiled a new ga... [查看全文]
Paris child at risk of lead poisoning after Notre Dame fire巴黎圣母院大火后,一名儿童面临铅中毒的危险Health officials ... [查看全文]
Canada creates two huge ocean sanctuaries in the Arctic加拿大在北极建立了两个巨大的海洋保护区In hopes of buffering a ... [查看全文]
A British scientist has gone missing while running in Greece一名英国科学家在希腊跑步时失踪The body of British scienti... [查看全文]
Extremely rare 1894 dime expected to sell for over $1M极其罕见的1894年一角硬币,预计售价超过100万美元An extremely rare... [查看全文]
Potentially fatal mosquito-borne EEE virus detected in Delaware美国特拉华州发现可能致命的蚊媒EEE病毒A potentially deadly... [查看全文]
Tremor felt as 6.4-magnitude quake hits Taiwan台湾发生6.4级地震,震感强烈A tremor was felt in Taiwan early Thursday ... [查看全文]