Male enrolments at New Zealand polytechs have dropped 41 per cent in 10 years.在过去10年里,新西兰理工学院的男生入学... [查看全文]
Apple disables Walkie-Talkie feature for flaw that could allow eavesdropping因可能允许窃听,苹果禁用对讲机功能Apple disa... [查看全文]
Social media site Twitter back up after global outage社交媒体网站Twitter在全球宕机后恢复Social networking site Twitter... [查看全文]
China rains force 80,000 evacuations, destroy more than 100,000 hectares of farmland中国暴雨迫使8万人撤离,毁坏农田超10... [查看全文]
A Kiwirail train it a herd of cattle in Hawke's Bay last night, with a total of 57 cows dead afterwards.昨... [查看全文]
Japan spacecraft completes asteroid landing日本宇宙飞船完成小行星着陆Japan's space agency says data transmitted from... [查看全文]
Fishing boat in distress in waters off S. China中国南海海域渔船遇险A fishing boat with more than 30 people on boa... [查看全文]
At least 10 people were killed and 35 others suffered injuries in a collision between two trains in Walhar near... [查看全文]
Nine deer at a famed park in western Japan have died recently after swallowing plastic bags.近日,日本西部一个著名... [查看全文]
More than 45 people have been hospitalized, over a dozen in critical condition, after a carbon monoxide leak at... [查看全文]