He was the world's most inspiring scientist. His research, photographs and letters are his legacy to the worl... [查看全文]
鸡肉是中国人餐桌上最常见的食材之一,其中,乌鸡因营养价值高于普通鸡肉,有很好的滋补功效而备受欢迎,被称为舌尖上的黑色传说。用乌鸡煲... [查看全文]
如果你对可爱的袋熊有所了解,你会知道袋熊是地球上唯一能拉出方形便便的生物。多少年来,科学家一直无法弄明白袋熊为什么能拉出立方体的便... [查看全文]
据最新估计,世界上至少有 500 亿只野生鸟类。Counting the number of wild birds in the world is no easy task. Scientis... [查看全文]
通过利用藻类中首次发现的感光蛋白,一名完全失明男子的部分视力得到了恢复。The man from Brittany in France was diagnosed with... [查看全文]
中共中央政治局5月31日召开会议,听取十四五时期积极应对人口老龄化重大政策举措汇报,审议《关于优化生育政策促进人口长期均衡发展的决定... [查看全文]
近日,云南亚洲野象群北迁动态备受关注。The 15 wild Asian elephants are now wandering in the Hongta district of Yuxi, ... [查看全文]
民航局日前印发实施《民航行业塑料污染治理工作计划(2021-2025年)》,提出以机场和航空公司为塑料污染治理重点。China will ban the ... [查看全文]
Japan's economy contracted 1.3 percent in the three months to March after the government reimposed virus restr... [查看全文]
The World Economic Forum said Monday that it has canceled a summer version of its annual meeting that was due ... [查看全文]