Dumplings饺子The humble dumpling has been elevated to art form in China.不起眼的饺子在中国已经被提升到艺术境界了。Nowher... [查看全文]
Tea茶The first in the world to appreciate the simple drink made from steeping leaves in water, China has since ... [查看全文]
Copying山寨China is great at copying other people's version of the wheel and making it more affordable.中国在山... [查看全文]
Pragmatism实用主义China's achievements today, including several of the items on this list, can be credited to a... [查看全文]
中国足球不太好,但是他们在体操、乒乓球、跳水等室内运动方面一直处于领先水平。中国的茶文化和书法也是历史悠久的资产。一起来看看中国表... [查看全文]
Just watching another person shiver can cause our own temperature to drop, scientists have found.科学家发现,看着别... [查看全文]
Real Madrid attacker Cristiano Ronaldo has won the 2014 FIFA Ballon d'Or ahead of Bayern Munich goalkeeper Ma... [查看全文]
A couple who thought they had a fashionable micropig were stunned when their prized pet grew into 47 stone MONS... [查看全文]
Google will be announcing a new update for its translation app that recognizes voices and translates them into t... [查看全文]
第72届电视电影金球奖(the 72nd annual Golden Globe Awards)已落下帷幕。颁奖季年度大热门《少年时代》提名5项斩获3奖成为最大赢家。... [查看全文]