The Brotherhood of the Stay-at-Home Dad史上最大规模的居家奶爸聚会DENVER — Choo-choo-wa! Choo-choo-wa! Choo-choo-wa-wa-wa... [查看全文]
Mike Nichols, Celebrated Director, Dies at 83《毕业生》导演迈克·尼科尔斯去世Mike Nichols, one of America's most c... [查看全文]
Fresh snow fell on Thursday in snowbound western New York, where longtime residents described the blast of wi... [查看全文]
Is Breanna the cutest kid on the internet?韩国小萝莉靠晒萌照过上土豪生活(组图)She is just five-years-old but already ... [查看全文]
India quarantines man over Ebola sex risk印度发现首例埃博拉病例 已被隔离India has quarantined a man who was cured o... [查看全文]
Obama Condemns Islamic State’s Killing of Peter Kassig奥巴马严厉谴责ISIS斩首美国人质GAZIANTEP, Turkey — President... [查看全文]
ISIS Video Purports to Prove Execution of American Aid WorkerISIS公布视频声称再斩首一美国人GAZIANTEP, Turkey — The I... [查看全文]
国家主席习近平在澳大利亚《澳金融评论报》(Australian Financial Review)发表题为《开创中澳关系更加精彩新篇章》的署名文章。The magn... [查看全文]
What is the best dialogue/lines in Interstellar?《星际穿越》中有哪些经典的对白或台词?1. Cooper: Mankind was born on Ea... [查看全文]
神应用让你看到对方点发送前输了什么Messenger lets you see everything a person types BEFORE they hit sendEnglish:If you... [查看全文]