With the results in from all 32 council areas, the "No" side won with 2,001,926 votes over 1,617,989 for "Yes".... [查看全文]
2014年9月19日,两届大满贯冠军得主李娜在其个人微博宣布退役消息,娜时代也正式画上句号。回顾李娜的职业生涯,她是中国球员中首位捧... [查看全文]
人民论坛的调查显示,超八成受调查者认为当前社会处于亚健康状态,信仰缺失、看客心态、社会焦虑症位列当今社会病症前三项。请看相关报道:... [查看全文]
1. 我相信爱情,也相信爱情会死,在我看来没有什么是通过婚姻才能得到的,但两人之间最珍贵的感情只有通过婚姻才可能产生。I believe in... [查看全文]
Revolution Hits the Universities在线课程掀起高等教育革命LORD knows there’s a lot of bad news in the world toda... [查看全文]
Does the Apple Watch Look Good On? Assessing From a Fashion Point of View苹果手表反映了时尚与科技的鸿沟And so it h... [查看全文]
A monkey in the northern Indian state of Himachal Pradesh has rained down banknotes on people, reports say.Surpri... [查看全文]
NudephotosofHungerGamesstarJenniferLawrence,KateUpton,ArianaGrandeandKirstenDunst,amongothers,leakedonlineSundaymorninginoneoftheb... [查看全文]
When Beyonce Knowles dropped her self-titled album without any warning back in December, I was amazed, like the ... [查看全文]
Season two of Where Are We Going, Dad? , a reality show on Hunan TV, is even more fun and colorful than the... [查看全文]