导读:2014年春节的脚步声越来越近了,说起春节的各种习俗,我们都能侃侃而谈,包饺子,剪窗花,贴对联等等。如何用英语介绍这些习俗呢?一... [查看全文]
In the frosty winter, it’s easy to forget about style and just bundle up in the coziest clothes you can ... [查看全文]
Reuniting with the family, celebrating Spring Festival, catching up on missed TV series... All of these activities... [查看全文]
As snowy Davos becomes engulfed in the hustle and bustle of another World Economic Forum, Microsoft founder Bill... [查看全文]
The latest off-the-wall photo project to hit Tumblr shows a man posing alongside Gap mannequins mirroring their s... [查看全文]
Fed up of your desk-bound 9-5 job? Wish you spent your days being pampered instead? Dream of being paid to tra... [查看全文]
With a majority of Americans now in favor marijuana legalization, President Barack Obama is now saying weed is n... [查看全文]