Wen, Merkel Jointly Open Hannover Trade Fair中国总理温家宝与德国总理默克尔共同为汉诺威贸易博览会开幕HANNOVER, Germany - C... [查看全文]
导读:作为一个大国总理,温家宝同志极具个性的语言,不仅是 坦诚睿智、情动云天的典范, 也体现了温总理知识的渊博,文辞的精美和立意的... [查看全文]
Being yourself at work is not good for your career, study claimsWhile revealing your true character to a partner... [查看全文]
囧新闻:你见过背书包买鱼的企鹅吗?导读:视频里面是一只名叫啦啦的企鹅,家住在日本,每天会背着一个企鹅书包去鱼店为主人买鱼,路上热了... [查看全文]
Tracking Penguins in Antarctica 在南极追踪企鹅Researchers are using satellite data to track penguins and seals acros... [查看全文]
The motto for the London Olympics has been revealed as "Inspire a generation" as events are held to mark the 1... [查看全文]
Employ 'hoodies', minister tells companiesCompanies should "hire a hoodie" to tackle the UK's jobs crisi... [查看全文]
人物简介:这是一位历史上最享盛名的神秘女子:她广播的艳名,她与恺撒、安东尼的两段恋情,她的丰功伟业与远大的政治报负,还有她结束于蛇... [查看全文]
What I want in a Man, Original List (act 22)我对男人的要求,最初的条件(22岁)1. Handsome 英俊潇洒2. Charming 魅力四... [查看全文]