英语笑话522 In case of an emergency 在紧急情况下Safety is job one in the Air Force. Overstating the obvious is j... [查看全文]
英语笑话521 What kind of helicopter? 哪一种直升飞机?After years of practice, I learned to identify the different h... [查看全文]
英语笑话520 Military English 军用英语The rule of military English—the most basic word comes first. For example: Tr... [查看全文]
英语笑话519 A Military Childhood 随军子女的童年Since I grew up in the civilian world, I knew my daughter's childho... [查看全文]
英语笑话518 Confuzing Names 困扰的名字The base's public-address system is the simplest way to call the troops—just... [查看全文]
英语笑话517 A Playing Card ID 扑克牌身份证Everyone who drove through the base's gates was required to hold an off... [查看全文]
英语笑话516 Please use other doors 此门不通I was proud and excited on my first day of Air Force pilot training ... [查看全文]
英语笑话515 Earth 地球Nights in England are coal black, making parachute jumps difficult and dangerous. So we atta... [查看全文]
英语笑话514 The Buddy System 互助系统I was talking on the phone with my son, who was stationed in Hawaii. He wa... [查看全文]
英语笑话513 I can't tell you 我不能告诉你While in the Coast Guard station, I got a call from the Navy. They had... [查看全文]