双语幽默:三个外科医生 Three Surgeons Three famous surgeons were bragging about their skills. "A man came to... [查看全文]
双语幽默:太久 Too Long The travel editor of a newspaper called, saying she was finally using an article ... [查看全文]
双语幽默:童话开篇 Fairy Tales Beginning The little girl had just listened to her mother's reading one ... [查看全文]
No Frills Dentist Appointment The Cohens were shown into the dentist's office, where Mr. Cohen made it ... [查看全文]
Jury Duty My honest, hard-working father stood before the judge to explain why he wished to be excused fro... [查看全文]
thermometer or pen A doctor is going about his business, with a rectal thermometer tucked behind his ear. ... [查看全文]
Her First Visit A pretty young woman visiting her new doctor for the first time found herself alone in a... [查看全文]
双语幽默:装备得当 Being Properly Equipped A female newscaster is interviewing the leader of a youth club: ... [查看全文]
It was a woman's first time on a plane. She boarded the plane and found herself a window seat. After... [查看全文]
有一段时间,街上出现了带字的T恤,其中有Kiss-me-quick字样于是有人告知这英文的意思是"快吻我",其实这却是一种花的名称. 英语"快吻... [查看全文]