100 校长的好记性 Principal s good memory Although schools are getting bigger and bigger,most principals... [查看全文]
099 哪个轮胎破了? Which tire was flat? A final exam was in session at a university. Toward the end o... [查看全文]
098 开机 Turn on the computer I was working on my assignment in a public computer room at school,and... [查看全文]
097 正确答案 The correct answer There was a problem on the graduation exam in a detective school:"A... [查看全文]
096 秘密 A secret A politician went to his daughter's school to give students a speech, and receive... [查看全文]
095 比较相信学生 Trust student better The computer in my classroom recently started acting up. After wa... [查看全文]
094 我家里最老的东西 The oldest thing in my house My 12-year-old daughter asked me,"Mom,do you have a ... [查看全文]
093 他不再恨你了 He doesn t hate you anymore As a result of an explosive argument with our mother,m... [查看全文]
092 这个纪录永远不会被打破了 That record will stand forever Back at my high school for the tenth reunio... [查看全文]
091 年轻 30 岁 Thirty years younger When I was 28,I was teaching English to high school freshmen in... [查看全文]