英语笑话932 Dental Patient or Mental Patient 牙科病人还是精神病人A helicopter crew got an order to pick up a menta... [查看全文]
英语笑话931 Are you lightheaded? 你觉得头晕目眩吗?I received a call from an anxious woman. “I'm diabetic and I'm... [查看全文]
英语笑话930 Gifts for 40th Birthday 四十大寿的礼物My friend and I were celebrating our 40th birthday the same year... [查看全文]
英语笑话929 Montana and California 蒙大拿对加利福尼亚The night before I was to attend a celebrity golf tournament, ... [查看全文]
英语笑话928 I also cut you an s 我也剪掉你一个sShortly after I started college, the president of the university h... [查看全文]
英语笑话927 Compound Nouns 合成名词I was discussing compound nouns with my class. “They're made up of two or mor... [查看全文]
英语笑话926 New Meaning of Family Jewels 家庭首饰的新含义Chatting with my mother I asked, “Have you heard of this... [查看全文]
英语笑话925 9 items or fewer 九件商品以下I knew immediately I was in one of those fancy food boutiques when I s... [查看全文]
英语笑话924 Just in case 以防万一The ultrasound didn't reveal the baby's sex, and since the expectant father had ... [查看全文]
英语笑话923 We missed you 我们想念你During Desert Storm, one of our co-workers was called to serve in Iraq. Upon... [查看全文]