The Big Bang Theory Ending in Sight? 《生活大爆炸》将要完结了? The Big Bang Theory won't go on forever.... [查看全文]
"Creatively, I really feel like I gave it my all, and I feel ready to let her go," an emotional Oh tells... [查看全文]
"Ian pulled me aside one day and he goes, 'If you kill Enzo, I'm going to quit,'" recalled execu... [查看全文]
将于5月1日播出的这一集中,谢耳朵(Sheldon)将遭受打击,质子教授 (Professor Proton, Bob Newhart鲍勃·纽哈特饰)前来解救!他又... [查看全文]
随着《行尸走肉》(TheWalking Dead)第四季的结束,广大粉丝们都翘首以盼掰着指头数日子等着第五季开播。本剧运作人斯科特·M·金柏(Sc... [查看全文]
"Sherlock" fans, Martin Freeman may have just made your day, and maybe even your year. 《神探夏洛克》的粉丝们... [查看全文]
The Sony tent pole returns Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone in the lead roles.索尼这次要好好奖励安德鲁▪加菲尔德和艾玛... [查看全文]
Avril Lavigne shows off her slim figure in plunging leather bodice in new Japanese techno inspired video Hello K... [查看全文]
要说今年最火的电影,肯定少不了迪士尼动画电影《冰雪奇缘》,而该影片的主题曲《let it go》也跟着走红。尤其是迪士尼官方放出的由... [查看全文]
英国一家理发店店主日前贴出了一张印着朝鲜领袖金正恩独特的中分短发造型的海报,并附有标语:发型糟糕?4月所有男士发型享85折优惠!来自附... [查看全文]