将于7.22登陆大银幕的《唐山大地震》是冯小刚第一部用Imax制式拍摄的影片。不过,这并非意味着该片是一部3D(立体)电影。在接受采访时,冯小刚特意声明:“《唐山大地震》是... [查看全文]
编辑点评:通过小编前几次的《绯闻女孩》第四季前沿报道,你是不是已经对这部剧的即将展开的情节无比期待了呢?BC会不会复合先不急,让我们先来欣赏S在巴黎的频繁换装,绝对让... [查看全文]
2010已经过去一半,该盘点上半年的美剧了。下面是对1到7月间十大热播剧的简要评点。 1. 《绝命毒师》(AMC)。在“打翻天”和“乐翻天”两者的结合上,... [查看全文]
Release Date: June 30, 2010 上映日期: 2010年6月30日 Genre: Romance/Terror/Action 影片类型:爱情/恐怖/动作 Producing Countries: US ... [查看全文]
Kylie Minogue, "Aphrodite" (Parlophone) On her latest album, "Aphrodite," Minogue channels the Greek goddess of love as she sings about love a... [查看全文]
Kristen Stewart doesn't care about getting married. The 20-year-old actress - who is believed to be dating her 'Twilight' co-star Robert Patti... [查看全文]
Angelina Jolie says she and Brad Pitt "need" to be together. The actress - who raises six children, adopted trio, Maddox, Zahara and Pax, a... [查看全文]
Vampires and werewolves ruled at the box office this Fourth of July holiday weekend, with Summit Entertainment's third installment of 'The Twi... [查看全文]
LAST WILL OF MICHAEL JOSEPH JACKSON 迈克尔-杰克逊最后遗嘱 I, MICHAEL JOSEPH JACKSON, a resident of the State of California, declare thi... [查看全文]
She may have turned 42 just a few weeks ago, but Kylie Minogue won't let a little thing like age get in the way of a headline-grabbing ... [查看全文]