hummy's trying to lose a few holiday ounces. plop! lose: vt.失去; 错过; 遗失; 耽搁; vi.损失; 输... [查看全文]
No, sheep! You're pressing your luck, fuzzball. 你在很有利的形势下作多余的冒险,牛屎菌 【生词注释】 press... [查看全文]
Welcome back,Hummy. Put on a little weight in Mexico,did we? 欢迎回来,Hummy。在墨西哥增加了些体重,我们变胖了吗?... [查看全文]
Now listen!The only reason I'm letting you walk with me is because we both happen to be going in the s... [查看全文]
aslary is lone wolf 薪水是独行侠 Look,someone not following in the group. 喂,你看有人不合群噢 Well,he... [查看全文]
本文导读:这个小故事主要是一个商人和船夫的对话,商人在讨价还价的过程中小心算计,却掉进了自己挖的 沟里,因此告诉我们不要贪小便... [查看全文]
This is an episode from the novel Strange Tales from Make-Do Strdio. An Daye turned out to be out-standingly... [查看全文]
The mouse 老鼠 A philosophical mouse spoke loudly in praise of nature's goodness for having made the mi... [查看全文]
There was once a bird called the roc, whose back was as big as Mount Tai and whose wings were like clouds... [查看全文]
In the past, there was a man who had a large appetite. When he ate, he devoured1 ravenously2. Once he wa... [查看全文]