在床上翻来覆去、辗转反侧,就是睡不着,这种煎熬般的失眠滋味相信不少人都尝过。影响睡眠质量的因素有很多,如压力过大,不规律的作息时间以及心理情绪起伏。十二星座当然也... [查看全文]
ARIES: Aries loves a challenge, so a gift certificate for sky-diving lessons or some other daring endeavor would thrill the Ram. 跳伞课或其他刺... [查看全文]
水瓶座相称的对象应是个很优秀,有才华而不在乎你过去的人。故具融通性又能尊重他人的双子座最为适当;愿与你保持和谐及关怀的天秤座、具有深邃洞察力又富人道精神的水瓶座也... [查看全文]
白羊座 3.21-4.19 You have done all you can to sort things out on a personal level. Draw up contracts regarding your personal situation. You ... [查看全文]
ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) Aries, as the first and fieriest sign of the Zodiac, prefers to set the trends, not follow them. If you're an Ar... [查看全文]
摩羯座孤独、忍耐的性格,必须寻找一位能相互合作又和蔼可亲的对象。如:温和体贴富同情心的处女座;永远年轻的金牛座;以及有耐心、殷实可靠同属摩羯座的人,都很相称。不相... [查看全文]
Aries: black, orange, red 白羊座:黑色、橙色、红色 Taurus: beige 金牛座:米色 Gemini: blue, green 双子座:蓝色、绿色 Cancer: green, orange, white, yello... [查看全文]
射手座是个在精神及言行上憎恨束缚的自由者,应找一位宽大且可以共享快乐、互相安慰的对象。光明磊落、明朗快活、慷慨大方、生活观一致的狮子座,具有崇高理想又能积极创造机... [查看全文]
金牛座:ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) TAURUS (Apr. 21 - May 21) Bulls love clutter. Being surrounded by all their possessions gives them a sense ... [查看全文]
天蝎座相称的对象是爱情、钱财及精神上都能相互尊重对方的双鱼座;能负起建设及保卫家园的巨蟹座;志趣相投的天蝎座也是不错的选择。不相称的有,饶舌多嘴的水瓶;虚荣或故弄... [查看全文]