回顾全文+观点+展望: 这种结尾方式比较适合于双边结构的作文,在这种写法中,我们要注意的是结尾段由三个要素组成,其中第2个要素... [查看全文]
1广告给我们提供了很多有用的信息。Advertisements provide us with much useful information.2旅游者有机会体验一种完全不同的文化... [查看全文]
The pie charts below show how dangerous waste products are dealt with in three countries. 该饼图展示在韩... [查看全文]
The pie charts below compare water usage in San Diego, California and the rest of the world. 该饼图展示... [查看全文]
The chart below shows the results of a survey of people who visited four types of tourist attraction in Bri... [查看全文]
The charts below show the results of a questionnaire that asked visitors to the Parkway Hotel how they r... [查看全文]
The chart below shows the amount of time that 10 to 15-year-olds spend chatting on the Internet and play... [查看全文]
The chart below shows the total number of minutes (in billions) of telephone calls in the UK, divided in... [查看全文]
对于雅思大作文而言,观点的选择一项非常重要,但是从实际情况来看,雅思大作文思路问题层出不穷,为此小编特收集整理雅思大作文思路问... [查看全文]
众所周知,IELTS写作的题目是会重新考的,所以平时训练的题目一定要用已考的真题。IELTS写作主要从四方面来打分:结构、内容、句型、词... [查看全文]