雅思写作一直是中国学生最薄弱的两项,因为两项都是输出。 第一、很多学生语法基础薄弱,甚至没有语法概念。 在高级阶段的教学中... [查看全文]
雅思写作逻辑思维能力1. 事情的区分和类似 (differences and similarity) 论述一个事情的时候,要考虑几个观点是否有区分度,还... [查看全文]
雅思写作高分范文 Generally, it is thought that the government has the ability and obligation to tackle enviro... [查看全文]
Protecting the environment is everyone’s responsibility, and this starts with the government making people und... [查看全文]
pursue / pursuit 追求enjoy worldwide fame 享有世界声望further study 进修admission (to)入学entrance 入学fine tradition ... [查看全文]
雅思G类写作Study Pursuit常用句型 1) I am deeply interested in your graduate program in the Dept. of …and pl... [查看全文]
道歉信写作常用句型: 1) I am awfully/terribly sorry for what I have done. 2) I feel very guilty for what... [查看全文]
a solid theory foundation坚实的理论基础advertisement广告all-round全面的an intimate knowledge of熟练的知识applicant申请人appl... [查看全文]
These days, different ways are being taken to protect cultural identity . Obviously, not only is much contributio... [查看全文]
雅思写作考试中对句型多变的要求并不是十分严格,但是一旦大家运用简单而又精巧的句型的时候,还是在一定程度上面加分很多的。尤其是很... [查看全文]