雅思听力填空填空题是雅思听力考试中非常常见的一种题型,很多考生也对这种雅思听力填空题型感到比较困难,那么在做雅思听力填空题的时候,... [查看全文]
在雅思听力考试期间,考生不应转写答案,而是合理利用停顿时间。下面,和小编一起来看看:在雅思听力考试时间中,每段录音结束的停顿时间是... [查看全文]
提高雅思听力成绩是很多烤鸭的心愿,但是若想提高雅思听力也不是一件特别容易的事情,那么提高雅思听力有哪些好的方法呢?下面就跟着小马过... [查看全文]
Some people think modern children’s games can help them to develop wide range of skills, but other people ... [查看全文]
Should grad student be paid higher than non-grads?.In China, it is obvious now that the university graduates earn... [查看全文]
不像其他国家,英国警察是不带枪的!有人觉得这样无法保护市民,也有人认为这样可以减少英国社会的总体暴力,谈谈你的看法.Unlike other coun... [查看全文]
Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates t... [查看全文]
Discuss the difference between fast food and traditional food, such as nutrition, and recipe?Living in a fast-pace... [查看全文]
Some people say that older people should live with their adult children. Others say that they shouldn't. Whic... [查看全文]
University students now focus on a special subject. Some people believe that universities should encourage their s... [查看全文]