曲线图:this line graph illustrates the fluctuatuion of....rate or this line graph shows/indicate/discuss....In genera... [查看全文]
1. 重要的:important, key, crucial, critical, significant, vital, substantial, indispensable, imperative2. 解决:solve,... [查看全文]
下面这些句子是从近百篇雅思优秀作文中摘录下来并经反复推敲提炼而成的.对于复习时间短,基础较薄弱的朋友能够在短期内熟悉且背诵这些经典句... [查看全文]
雅思作文的基本结构模板介绍,一个雅思作文的基本结构有三个部分,introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion.1.雅思作文的introduction... [查看全文]
传统艺术是否应该被政府资助?Nowadays there is a growing tendency that some traditional arts are disappearing far away... [查看全文]
this line graph illustrates the fluctuatuion of....rate or this line graph shows/indicate/discuss....In general,the f... [查看全文]
The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the violent... [查看全文]
一、~~~ the + ~ est + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen ( known/heard/had/read, etc)~~~ the most + 形... [查看全文]
雅思写作Task 2 的占分比例比Task 1高,难度和英语水平的要求都会较高。您花在Task 1的建议时间是20分钟而花在Writing Task 2的建议... [查看全文]
People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, i... [查看全文]