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2011-04-18雅思考试作文:Letter of request

Dear Sirs, We are planing a full day party to celebrate the completion of our Business Language Training Course on June 30, 2000. The party will start at 10:00. President of our institute will deliver an opening speech. After lunch comes th [查看全文]


To construct and maintain roads is a public service administered by the government. However,swheresdoes the money come from? Somebody believe that the government should allocate money from national finance on the road construction; but othe [查看全文]


高中生日益成为雅思考试的主力军,但是笔者根据多年的一线教学经验,发现高中生在备战雅思考试时存在很多误区。在接下来的章节中,专家会针对高中生应对雅思写作的误区做一列 [查看全文]


1. 使用同义词进行替换 使用同义词的好处在于首先可以向考官展示考生词汇量的丰富,其次也可以使文章富有变化。因此,同义词的运用是衡量雅思考生英语水平的一个很有力的标准, [查看全文]


In China, both of the parents have their jobs. With the development of economy, people tend to pursue high quality living conditions. Most of the parents try their best to offer their children comfortable circumstances, but they seldom have [查看全文]


一 避免太多的人化主语 口语中我们很习惯用某个人做某件事来构成基本句式,以至于议论文中有的考生依然写的是这样的句子:其实改法很简单:我们只要避免从某个人开始句子就可 [查看全文]


小作文重点排列应该是 一级重点:表格-饼图-曲线-柱状图 二级:表格-饼图-曲线-柱状图的结合图 三级:流程图20%机率,地图5%机率,稍微准备(2009年9.26刚考完流程图,2010年1月23日和 [查看全文]

2011-03-17雅思考试作文 你因病住院,写表扬信,表扬医护人员的医德,服务,环境卫生

Dear Sir: I am a business man from America, and my name is David Smith. Last month it was the first time that I traveled to Beijing for business, signing a contract with a Chinese food company. Unfortunately I got a bad flu and then had a f [查看全文]

2011-03-14雅思考试作文: Children learn best by observing the behavior of adults and copying it

The Process of growing up is very complex for children. Among countless factors that influence children's growth, the behavior of adults plays a significant role in shaping children's inclination and character. After the baby is born, the f [查看全文]


雅思A类写作的地图题在2009年之前是一种冷门题型,但是在2010年大放光彩,考了有7次之多。这类题型难度其实并不大,但是因为广大考生考前不够重视,一般仅仅复习数据型图表,因此 [查看全文]