Task 1:The two bar charts below show the percentages of male and female students in secondary education and higher education for four differ... [查看全文]
一、句型的重要性 中国雅思考生写作平均分是听说读写当中最低的一门。写作得高分难,但是低于5.5分也是值得我们广大的考生和教师深思的问题。大家都知道木桶原理,即一个... [查看全文]
Dear Manager: I am a reporter from the News Weekend. Because of the demand of my work, I often come to Beijing to do interviews. Yo... [查看全文]
The Process of growing up is very complex for children. Among countless factors that influence children's growth, the behavior of adults p... [查看全文]
Dear Sirs, We are planing a full day party to celebrate the completion of our Business Language Training Course on June 30, 2000. Th... [查看全文]
To construct and maintain roads is a public service administered by the government. However,swheresdoes the money come from? Somebody believ... [查看全文]
In China, both of the parents have their jobs. With the development of economy, people tend to pursue high quality living conditions... [查看全文]
Dear professor Moss: I am Sandy Lee, an undergraduate student of the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. At the beginning of... [查看全文]
Dear Sir: I am a business man from America, and my name is David Smith. Last month it was the first time that I traveled to Beijing f... [查看全文]
Dear officer: In 01/01/2000, I took flight CA983 from Beijing to Los Angeles. When the flight arrived at Los Angeles, because of my carel... [查看全文]