【文化类】: International travel often lead people have some prejudices rather than broad minds. What are th... [查看全文]
科技类: Nowadays, people perform their everyday tasks, such as banking, shopping as well as business transac... [查看全文]
【政府类】 Some people think the government should ban dangerous sports and some others think it is a freed... [查看全文]
环保类: The environmental problem in the world can not be solved by ordinary people, and governments and l... [查看全文]
题目: Some people suggest that young adults should be encourage to do some unpaid jobs for the community,... [查看全文]
环保类+交通类: The best way to solve the environmental problems is to increase the price of fuel. To what... [查看全文]
一:雅思写作书写过于随意 每个人都有自己的书写习惯,但是雅思考试毕竟是要给外国人看的,所以大家如果能够在书写习惯上贴近老外,... [查看全文]
今天就看看那些雅思写作中,考官看了想打人、想吐血的十种开头吧!备考雅思的同学们要注意了! 一、中式英语 讨厌指数:★★★★★... [查看全文]
对于众多烤鸭而言,雅思写作的目标分数是6分。但是在实际考试中,很多烤鸭发现,这个看似不高的6分很难拿到。其实,攻克6分并不难,如... [查看全文]
备考雅思的同学不妨参考烤鸭的写作经验分享,也可以清晰自己的考试复习计划,找准自己不足的地方查漏补缺。 1. 我在上写作培训班之... [查看全文]