强调关系 in fact; 事实上; especially; 特别是; particularly; 特别是; moreover; 此外; naturally; 自然地; ... [查看全文]
15类雅思写作逻辑词语教你写出有逻辑的文章为你带来在雅思写作的大小作文中都能被用到的15类表示段与段,句与句之间的逻辑关系的逻辑词... [查看全文]
雅思写作到底要不要用名人名言为你带来在雅思写作中,名人名言的作用和到底要不要用,什么时候用的建议。我们经常提到在作文中要引经据... [查看全文]
PART3: Examples Ⅰ、Introduction写作实例(C 3/T 1/T 2) 题目:Present awritten argument or case to an educated... [查看全文]
4、道德/犯罪(Moral/crime)补充词汇 同义词替换think: Believe, consider, claim, deem,assert, maintain, insist, argue, ... [查看全文]
Ⅲ、八面玲珑拓展法 1、金钱(money)补充词汇: 浪费,挥霍,节约 •Beprofuse in… •Squander •Lavish... [查看全文]
Ⅰ、Introduction常用经典表达引入话题:当谈到…•Whenit comes to…•As faras…is/are concerned,•As weconsider th... [查看全文]
Effects of technologyYou should spend about 40 minutes onthis task.Modern technologies, such as fertilizersand machi... [查看全文]
Evaluation of teachersYou should spend about 40 minutes onthis task.Some people think that high schoolstudents shou... [查看全文]
雅思G类小作文的书信格式怎么写为你带来在雅思培训类的考试中,出现在写作部分的第一篇作文——书信作文的写信格式。在雅思G类考试的写... [查看全文]