本文为大家带来雅思写作范文,题目是Some people believe that hobbies need to be difficult to be enjoyable. To what... [查看全文]
本文为大家带来雅思写作范文,题目是When choosing a job, the salary is the most important consideration. To what ex... [查看全文]
本文为大家带来雅思写作范文,题目是As well as making money, businesses also have social responsibilities. To what e... [查看全文]
No.1 趋势描写就是increase和decrease以及leveloff 同学们在描写趋势的上升或下降的时候常常只用到了一个increase&decrease+副词的... [查看全文]
Such is nature to own what our hearts desire that is why many modern people like to spend their hardly earned... [查看全文]
雅思写作考试固然很重要,我们在备考的时候千万要注意一些误区。一起看看小编给大家整理的相关内容吧。 雅思写作考试误区1:写够字... [查看全文]
雅思写作考试如果开头没写好,那么会给整篇文章的构思带来影响。因此千万要注意开头要注意的事情。一起看看小编给大家整理的内容吧。 ... [查看全文]
1、以人为本法 无论是哪一类的作文题目几乎都是离不开人的,一般我们在支持一个观点时是因为那么做对人的好处更大。那么你知道人的... [查看全文]
年轻的单身男士们受够了被人说成幼稚、迟钝和沉湎于性。据一项调查显示,大多数年轻男士认为应该拥有灵魂伴侣,不怕作出承诺,而且真正的男... [查看全文]
welfare[幸福/福利]/well-being -eg: The welfare of the individual is bound up with the welfare of the communit... [查看全文]