19日,声势浩大的世界新七大自然奇迹评选活动在上海世博园多个展馆同时推出,候选榜单上,28个景点是从222个国家和地区的441处提名景点中选出的,最终结果将于今年11月公布。 话说 [查看全文]
Slovakia Pavilion welcomes millionth visitor A visitor surnamed Zhang from Lanzhou, Gansu Province, received a gift pack from staff of the Slo... [查看全文]
Sales of silver stamps for Expo 2010's China Pavilion have started. The series of 99.9% pure silver stamps feature four categories of 88 gr... [查看全文]
Hong Kong to share green transport experience at Expo Hong Kong will share its experience in the planning and management of green transport ... [查看全文]
Diamonds sparkle at Belgium Pavilion Visitors to the Belgium Pavilion will be dazzled by some of Antwerp's priceless antique diamonds in a sp... [查看全文]
The Spain Pavilion hosts lucky draws. Miguel, a 6.5-meter electronically animated baby, wears a Chinese-style red bib to celebrate Children's... [查看全文]
不久前,上海中医药大学的学生根据该校专家开出的药方,制作了几千个防暑香袋送给志愿者佩戴。这一消息引起不少网民的关注。在一些网络论坛上,有网友打听哪里有卖防暑香囊,... [查看全文]
Two gold toilets were exhibited in the "world's most comfortable bathroom" in Japan Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo on June 2. ... [查看全文]
本周日,有很多年轻父母带着孩子逛世博园。不少家长说,儿童节当天是工作日,所以趁着周日提前陪孩子过节。针对亲子游的参观家庭,如何既能玩得舒心,又妥善地照顾好自己的宝... [查看全文]
HK Ballet displays diversity The Hong Kong Ballet will present a triple bill, "Summer Delights," featuring three diverse dance pieces by famou... [查看全文]