Huge Japanese pop group SMAP will perform in the Expo Culture Center on June 13. Free tickets can be reserved free at the center on the ... [查看全文]
Shanghai Corporate Joint Pavilion under curtain of night Shanghai Corporate Joint Pavilion at the west part of the Shanghai World Expo site... [查看全文]
All tickets of Expo Shanghai for May 1 had been sold out, World Expo organizers said. Tickets for May 1 belong to Peak Day Admission. A... [查看全文]
Official Spain Stamp for the Expo 2010 released The Bamboo House and the Tree Air, alongside the well known statue of Cibeles goddess ar... [查看全文]
Earliest ‘bird' fossil on display in Liaoning Pavilion The fossil of the Sinosauropteryx The simulated model of the Sinosauropteryx Foss... [查看全文]
流利英语,你也能做到! 羡慕身边的朋友能讲一口流利的英语?口语太“烂”,跨国公司拒你于门外?英文聋哑,失去与外企公司合作的好机会?五一临近,你不想借这个休息机... [查看全文]
baby Miguelín flamenco dancing director Basilio Martín Patino at the second exhibition section The Spain Pavilion has un... [查看全文]
编辑点评:世博志愿者纪念雕塑“飞翔的心愿”昨日在世博园主题馆北面的志愿者广场揭幕。雕塑由不锈钢制成,外形类似汉字“心”,色彩斑斓,象征了世博志愿者的热情与合作精神... [查看全文]
在经历了第一场约20万人的试运行演练后,中国2010年上海世博会21日举行第二场试运行演练,观摩人数约5万人。为表达对青海玉树地震遇难同胞的深切哀悼,世博园区停止了所有文... [查看全文]
上海世博会期间向市民赠票赠卡工作会议上,公布了上海世博会期间向市民赠票赠卡工作方案:自5月15日起,全市将逐批发放,每户上海常住人口家庭可领到“一信一票一卡”、一张地... [查看全文]