If you've been following media coverage of the World Cup these past few weeks you might think every footballer is a chiseled god--ripped, ha... [查看全文]
英国的金融业分析人士做出预测,英格兰足球队将夺本届世界杯的冠军 England will finally win the World Cup after 44 years of pain if Cityboffinsare t... [查看全文]
After every World Cup team had played once, scoring remained at historical lows in the tournament. The 32 teams combined for just 25 goals... [查看全文]
历届世界杯经典进球-内格雷特黄金左脚弹射 [查看全文]
The shaggymanes and bushy moustaches of soccer days past have been replaced by bleached beards, "city boy" cropsand headbands at the World C... [查看全文]
Soccer is not religion in Italy. It is opera. And at Ellis Park Thursday the fate of the defending World Cup champions took a tragic turn... [查看全文]
南非世界杯官方主题曲:Waka WakaWaka是斯瓦西里语词汇,有火焰闪耀等意思。南非世界杯主题曲:Waving Flag 索马里裔加拿大歌手克南创作... [查看全文]
英格兰队终于闯进了16强,但却是以小组第二名的身份,提前遭遇德国队,这还要拜美国队战胜阿尔及利亚所赐。美国凭借多诺万补时阶段上演绝杀,1比0击败阿尔及利亚,凭借进球数... [查看全文]
球迷期待英德大战 北京时间6月24日凌晨,2010南非世界杯D组最后一轮,德国1-0战胜加纳,以小组第一的身份出线,他们1/8决赛的对手将是英格兰队。这无疑将是第二轮比赛中... [查看全文]