Times: 10 Greatest World Cup Players Recently, British newspaper The Times has made the ranking list of "The Ten Greatest World Cup Players.... [查看全文]
中文名:梅西 英文名:Lionel Andres Messi 国家队:阿根廷 生日:1987年6月24日 出生地:阿根廷罗萨里奥 身高:1米69 位置:... [查看全文]
历届世界杯经典进球-老马史诗般的世纪进球 [查看全文]
历届世界杯经典进球-阿根廷队24脚传球破门 [查看全文]
历届世界杯经典进球-博格坎普挑过后卫破门 [查看全文]
每四年一届的世界杯几乎成为了球迷们的节日,自1930年第一届乌拉圭世界杯后,到今天的南非一共举办了19届。最初这个新的足球大赛称为世界足... [查看全文]
Round of 16 Match Date - Time Venue ... [查看全文]
The Royal Bafokeng Sports Palace is one of the stadiums for the 2010 FIFA World Cup™. The stadium is named after the Bafokeng people... [查看全文]
In his second World Cup blog, TEAMtalk's Jon Holmes tips up five 'under-the-radar' players from Groups A to D who could shine in So... [查看全文]