She's been cultivating a tougher image with songs like Roar.继在《Roar》MV中化身原始野人大获好评之后,水果姐凯蒂·佩... [查看全文]
Cara Delevingne and Michelle Rodriguez had a hot date in London. According to the Mirror on Feb. 18, the su... [查看全文]
Sure, he's been down this road before – three times to be exact.婚礼的殿堂他已经走过3次了——然后他又3次走了... [查看全文]
His role in The Wolf of Wall Street earned him a BAFTA nomination for Leading Actor.凭借在《华尔街之狼》中的精湛演... [查看全文]
1. When I was 14, I was the oldest I ever was. I've been getting younger ever since.我最老的时候是14岁,从14... [查看全文]
ormer Hollywood child star Shirley Temple has died at the age of 85.好莱坞前著名童星秀兰·邓波儿去世,享年85岁。The a... [查看全文]
His engagement to Miley Cyrus was called off in September last year, and it seems Liam Hemsworth is now ready ... [查看全文]
Woody Allen's attorney insisted that Mia Farrow is to blame for Dylan Farrow's renewed accusations of the... [查看全文]
The White House says it will be responding to a petition calling for the deportation of troubled Canadian-born p... [查看全文]
henry ford 亨利·福特(HenryFord,1863年7月30日—1947年4月8日),美国汽车工程师与企业家,福特汽车公司的建立者。他也是世界上... [查看全文]