Elizabeth Taylor's 20 best quotes 伊丽莎白泰勒20句经典名言 Dame Elizabeth Taylor, who has died aged 79, on success, diamonds and failed marriages. 北京时间的3月23日晚,世界著名的美国女演员、全球最漂亮的女 [查看全文]
美国著名影星、迈克杰克逊的红颜知己伊丽莎白泰勒逝世,终年79岁。她一生个性张扬,毫不掩饰自己对珠宝的热爱、对幸福的追求,让我们一起来看看她的十大名言,感受这个好莱坞 [查看全文]
曾两次在奥斯卡上封后的好莱坞著名演员伊丽莎白-泰勒逝世,终年79岁。童星出身的泰勒一生有过8次婚姻,并留下了《埃及艳后》等一系列经典电影。 The English-American actress, considered [查看全文]
Fashion icon: Emma Watson has been named as the latest face of Lanc?me Emma Watson announced that she is taking a break from her studies at Brown last week. But she seems to have taken it upon herself to keep her fans' brains ticking over S [查看全文]
导读: 2011年2月26日,香港女星梁洛施发布声明,与李嘉诚次子李泽楷正式分手。灰姑娘的童话故事又一次破灭,提醒我们幸福与豪门(the rich and powerful family)之间,未必存在很大关联。 [查看全文]
《暮光之城4:破晓》中,爱德华和贝拉将修成正果;日前有传闻说,这俩娃也将于今夏拍摄完这部电影后在风景迷人的纳帕山谷完婚,这是真的吗? The good news is out about the famous coupl [查看全文]
他们,一个是《绝望主妇》中的当红女星,一个是NBA炙手可热的篮球明星。伊娃朗格利亚和托尼帕克,曾经美好的一对,而今终究还是分道扬镳了。是爱得不够深,还是这个世界诱惑太 [查看全文]
According to The Associated Press, a spokeswoman for the Oscar-winning actress said Berry backed out of a role in 'New Year's Eve'. Directed by 'Runaway Bride's Garry Marshall, the film stars Robert De Niro, Sarah Jessica Parker, Ashton Kut [查看全文]
Australian actor Sam Worthington, who attained fame mainly for his roles in Avatar and Terminator: Salvation, has called it quits with his longtime girlfriend Natalie Mark. Sam Worthington and Natalie Mark have separated after three years o [查看全文]
日前,在《青蜂侠》中出演Kato一角的周杰伦接受了美国知名主持人Steve Weintraub的采访。Steve Weintraub盛赞周杰伦是亚洲的Justin Timberlake,并已在全球范围内拥有2800万张专辑销量的好成绩, [查看全文]