Did he ignore me the way I ignored him that morning: on purpose, to draw me out, to protect himself, to show... [查看全文]
I was watching. I dreaded losing him to her. Dreaded losing her to him too. Yet thinking of them together did... [查看全文]
Then it hit me that I could have killed myself instead, or hurt myself badly enough and let him know why I&rs... [查看全文]
His Esco, I realized soon enough, was just another version of Later! A summary and unconditional goodbye, spoken... [查看全文]
Oliver was receiving many invitations to other houses. This had become something of a tradition with our other s... [查看全文]
I always tried to keep him within my field of vision. I never let him drift away from me except when he wasn... [查看全文]
On that day I even urged myself to let down my inhibitions and show my grief the way everyone else was showin... [查看全文]
Chiara, I could tell, was equally smitten. Her sister as well. Even the crowd of tennis bums who for years had... [查看全文]
Oliver, it turned out, knew more about all manner of foods, cheeses, and wines than all of us put together. Ev... [查看全文]
My mother was nonplussed. We all, including my two cousins who were visiting that week, had an impulse to clap.... [查看全文]