10年前,《甄嬛传》初登屏幕,凭借着跌宕起伏的剧情、出神入化的演绎,在追剧人心中留下了不灭的痕迹。至今,《甄嬛传》在网上的讨论热度不... [查看全文]
《杀死伊芙》第四季Killing Eve小变态和伊芙回归啦!开启了第四季,同时也是最终季!众所周知,这部剧最大的看点就是双女主!女主之一是由吴... [查看全文]
据日本媒体报道, 2020年10月在东京台播出的话题日剧《共演NG》确定翻拍英语版,由该剧企划、原著秋元康与威尔·史密斯(Will Smith)... [查看全文]
No Time to Die《007:无暇赴死》At last! Its release has been delayed again and again, and before that its product... [查看全文]
Titanic泰坦尼克号Titanic is a 1997 American epic romance and disaster film directed by James Cameron. A fictionaliz... [查看全文]
Black Widow《黑寡妇》Scarlett Johansson's Natasha Romanoff finally gets her own solo film, a decade after the R... [查看全文]
(Reuters)Live Broadway shows will return to the stage starting September 14 after an 18-month hiatus to fight the... [查看全文]
China's Spring Festival blockbuster "Hi, Mom" beat the 2017 American superhero film "Wonder Woman" at 5.39 bil... [查看全文]
Sony delays almost its entire movie lineup into next year索尼几乎把整个电影阵容推迟到明年Sony is the latest movie st... [查看全文]
绽放于逆境之中的花最为珍贵美丽。—— 《花木兰》,皇帝The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautifu... [查看全文]