‘No Time to Die’: New James Bond 25 title revealed《没时间死》:詹姆斯·邦德最新片名揭晓The name’s …... [查看全文]
推荐这几部经典外国电影,值得一看哦大家平常会喜欢看外国电影吗?可能很多年轻人都比较喜欢国外的科幻电影吧。其实生活中没事多看一点外国... [查看全文]
'Dead to Me' pulled in 30 million viewers on Netflix《死生之交》在Netflix上吸引了3000万观众Christina Applegate ... [查看全文]
The ‘Cats’ movie looks absolutely terrifying《猫》这部电影,绝对恐怖The trailer for Cats dropped Thursday ... [查看全文]
Lion King returns but it's harder to feel the love狮子王回来了,但是很难感受到爱Life moves in a circle, The Lio... [查看全文]
Box Office: 'Aladdin' taking flight with $105 million in North America票房:《阿拉丁》北美票房一路飙升,收入1.05... [查看全文]
Set aside about 432 minutes to watch the final season of Game of Thrones.留出432分钟来看《权力的游戏》最终季吧。HBO ... [查看全文]
BBC推荐:四月份最值得一看的4部电影Four films to watch this April四月份哪些电影最值得一看?除了期待已久的《复仇者联盟4》,BBC还... [查看全文]
《复仇者联盟4》之后,还有哪些漫威电影可以看?Every Marvel movie coming after 'Avengers: End Game'《复仇者联盟4:终局... [查看全文]
关于小飞象你不知道的10件事10 things you might not have known about 'Dumbo'在迪士尼动画电影《小飞象》上映近80年后,... [查看全文]