After a dramatic reveal involving a giant melting block of ice, it's now been confirmed that season seven of... [查看全文]
再过十天,艾玛•沃森主演的真人版《美女与野兽》就要上映了,这部电影在前期宣传阶段就已赚足眼球,想来票房也会相当火爆。然而,日前... [查看全文]
Although it’s acceptable for characters from Disney animations (动画片) to suddenly break into songs and danc... [查看全文]
Seriously, which of these mouths belong to Orlando Bloom?讲真的,下图中哪张嘴是精灵王子奥兰多•布鲁姆的?1. Maybe the... [查看全文]
经《好莱坞报道》证实,《生活大爆炸》有望再续两季。该剧的五位主演——吉姆•帕森斯、约翰尼•盖尔克奇、卡蕾•库奥科、西蒙•赫尔伯格 [查看全文]
Winning an Oscar isn't all about acting ability.赢得奥斯卡奖似乎并非全靠演技。While the awards claim they recogniz... [查看全文]
Traditional Spring Festival celebrations include firecrackers, family reunions and temple fairs, but today it might... [查看全文]
After an award-winning take on the OJ Simpson trial, a future season is rumored to revolve around Bill Clinton... [查看全文]
1. Battle of the Sexes 《性别之战》The husband-and-wife team behind Little Miss Sunshine tackle the 1977 gender wa... [查看全文]
New haunts and classic villains hit the big screen for supersized scares throughout the entire year.2017年,全新鬼... [查看全文]