第一页:片段欣赏 第二页:巧学口语 第三页:小小翻译家 第四页:总剧情 影片对白: Bosss assistant: We, uh, just spoke to your immigration attorney. Margaret: Great. So, we're all good? Everything good? Boss [查看全文]
第一页:片段欣赏 第二页:巧学口语 第三页:小小翻译家 第四页:文化一瞥 精彩对白 Colonel: Everyone on this base, everyone of you is fighting for survival, and that's a fact. There's aboriginal horde out [查看全文]
第一页:片段欣赏 第二页:巧学口语 第三页:小小翻译家 第四页:文化一瞥 精彩对白 Woman: Colonel, sir. I got a situation here.It's sector 1-6. Unauthorized engine start. Trudy: Come on! Colonel: Mask on! Tr [查看全文]
第一页:片段欣赏 第二页:巧学口语 第三页:小小翻译家 第四页:文化一瞥 精彩对白 Jake: Many Omatacaya will die if you do. Tsu'Tey: You are not my brother! Jake: And I am not your enemy! The enemy is out th [查看全文]
第一页:片段欣赏 第二页:巧学口语 第三页:小小翻译家 第四页:文化一瞥 精彩对白 Jake: If you want to hit this thing, it's going to be complicated. Your scan doesn't show the internal structure. There's an [查看全文]
第一页:片段欣赏 第二页:巧学口语 第三页:小小翻译家 第四页:文化一瞥 精彩对白 Female doctor: Biometrics are good. Doctor: 1-3 is ready. Grace: Keep your arms in, hands in. Head down. Down. Just relax an [查看全文]
第一页:片段欣赏 第二页:巧学口语 第三页:小小翻译家 第四页:文化一瞥 精彩对白 Jake: Me and Norm are here to drive these remotely controlled bodies called Avatars.And they're grown from human DNA mixed w [查看全文]
第一页:片段欣赏 第二页:巧学口语 第三页:小小翻译家 第四页:文化一瞥 影片对白: Leslie: Hey, Mom. Leslie's mother: Hey, Leslie, come on. Leslie's father: All right, let's go. We're on a mission . Lesli [查看全文]
第一页:片段欣赏 第二页:巧学口语 第三页:小小翻译家 第四页:文化一瞥 影片对白: Jess's mother: Shh. Everybody tiptoe . OK, ready? Jess's family: Happy birthday! (sing) Happy birthday to you. Happy birt [查看全文]
第一页:片段欣赏 第二页:巧学口语 第三页:小小翻译家 第四页:文化一瞥 影片对白: Students: Janice! You OK? Driver: What's the problem? Janice: Jess Aarons tripped me. Jess: Uh... Janice: On purpose. Dri [查看全文]