No.011 《Black Swan》 黑天鹅 那些深藏在心底的黑暗花朵英文导读 Black Swan is a 2010 American psychological thriller an... [查看全文]
No.010 《Black Hawk Down》 黑鹰坠落 战争带给人的总是伤痛英文导读 Black Hawk Down is a 2001 American war drama film... [查看全文]
No.009 《Babel》 通天塔 黑暗杂乱的生活背后还有光明英文导读 Babel is a 2006 international drama film directed by Aleja... [查看全文]
No.008 《Avatar》 阿凡达 一场绝美的视觉盛宴英文导读 Avatar is a 2009 American epic science fiction film written and... [查看全文]
No.007 《The Social Network》 社交网络 得到与失去间的平衡英文导读 The Social Network is a 2010 American drama film ... [查看全文]
No.006 《No Country for Old Men》 老无所依 在黑暗的情感深渊中英文导读 No Country for Old Men is a 2007 American t... [查看全文]
No.005 《Slumdog Millionaire》 贫民窟的百万富翁 污泥中的极致爱情英文导读 Slumdog Millionaire is a 2008 British drama f... [查看全文]
No.004 《The Hurt Locker》 拆弹部队 献给真正的英雄英文导读 The Hurt Locker is a 2008 American war film about a th... [查看全文]
No.003 《Inception》 盗梦空间 这个世界是真实还是梦境英文导读 Inception is a 2010 British-American science fiction film... [查看全文]
No.002 《The King's Speech》 国王的演讲 脆弱不安的心灵疗伤英文导读 The King's Speech is a 2010 British histor... [查看全文]